Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Inspiring Quote: Art Rituals

"Can we ritualize the art experience? The art class needs a devotional time to cleanse souls and center consciousness. Life outside the class and inside the student is turbulent, disorientating, sometimes violent, often depressing, and always confusing. How can we better help today's youth, than to give them a ritual liturgy to focus on learning art? Repeat the practice every day."

Marvin Bartel 



  1. Before drawing lately, I've been doing warmups with eyes closed just to see if I could prepare myself better for the space. Then I thought, why not after too - a cool down? Could you call these rituals to set the act of drawing aside, to make it special?

  2. Creates space for question of who is the drawer. More choices where the drawing is coming from. Maybe the paper creates the drawing.
